November 26, 2011, 12:03:40 PM
Read 2718 times
« on: November 26, 2011, 12:03:40 PM »
Hi all. Been awhile since I've been around these parts. Need to finish up a couple decks, so I'm looking to do a small amount of trading and I'm also very willing to sell any cards that you may be interested in.
Many of you probably don't remember me from CC forum days, but I was fairly active several years ago and I have a lot of excellent trading credibility. I haven't been as active on TLHH, but I'll work on getting some of those references from the CC board archives pretty soon.
If you are interested in buying cards, just make me an offer that you consider reasonable. We can proceed from there.HAVES:GONDOR: 2 C 37
Sentinels of Numenor (FOIL)
4 C 129
Pathfinder (FOIL)
4 C 135
War and Valor (FOIL)
7 C 81
Aragorn, Captain of Gondor (FOIL)
0 P 41
Aragorn's Bow1 R 100
The Choice of Luthien1 R 95
Blade of Gondor1 R 93
Arwen's Fate x3
1 R 111
Pursuit Just Behind x2
4 R 133
Ruins of Osgiliath7 R 97
Gondorian Merchant7 R 80
Anduril, King's Blade7 R 103
Hearts Raised7 R 91
Faramir, Wizard's Pupil7 R 85
Denethor, Steward of the City9 R 38
Seeing Stone of Orthanc x5
9 R 36
Scroll of Isildur x2
9 R 37
Seeing Stone of Minas Anor11 R 54
Aragorn, Strider15 R 70
Tremendous WallGANDALF: 4 C 104
Treebeard, Oldest Living Thing (FOIL)
7 C 51
Undaunted (FOIL)
1 R 80
Ottar, Man of Laketown1 R 81
Questions That Need Answering1 R 83
Servant of the Secret Fire2 R 25
Jarnsmid, Merchant From Dale4 R 91
Gandalf's Staff, Walking Stick x2
4 R 89
Gandalf, Greyhame4 R 106
Well Met Indeed5 R 19
Lindenroot, Elder Shepherd6 R 31
Glamdring, Lightning Brand7 R 33
Citadel To Gate9 R 24
Ent Draught x7
9 R 27
Sent Back x4
9 R 25
Huorn x3
10 R 14
Borne Far Away10 R 18
Treebeard, Keeper of the Watchwood10 R 17
Out of the High Airs15 R 38
Treebeard, Enraged Shepherd15 R 29
Gandalf, Powerful GuideSHIRE: 1 C 290
Frodo, Son of Drogo (FOIL)
2 U 106
Nice Imitation x2 (FOIL)
4 U 305
Good Work (FOIL)
4 R 315 Sam, Frodo's Gardner (FOIL)
7 R 321
Merry, Swordthain (FOIL)
11 RF 14
Salt From The Shire (FOIL)
1 R 302
Merry, Friend to Sam1 R 289
Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir1 R 313
Sting1 R 310
Sam, Faithful Companion x3
1 R 314
Stone Trolls2 R 113
Red Book of Westmarch2 R 109
Orc-Bane2 R 108
O Elbereth! Gilthoniel! x2
2 R 105
Mithril-Coat (very worn)
4 R 299
Cliffs of Emyn Muil4 R 303
Frodo's Cloak x2
4 R 304
Get on and Get Away!
4 R 301
Frodo, Courteous Halfling6 R 109
Held x2
6 R 113
Merry, Impatient Hobbit x2
7 R 324
Pippin, Wearer of Black and Silver7 R 325
Pressing On9 R+ 49
Bilbo, Bearer of Things Burgled9 R 50
Everyone Knows10 R 104
Birthday Present x2
11 R 170
Pippin, Brave Decoy15 R 148
Little Golden FlowerELVEN: 1 C 32
Border Defenses (FOIL)
1 C 41
Elven Bow (FOIL)
1 R 62
The Splendor of Their Banners (FOIL)
1 R 62
The Splendor of Their Banners1 R 30
Arwen, Daughter of Elrond1 R 49
The Last Alliance of Elves and Men1 R 40
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell x2
1 R 38
Double Shot1 R 66
The Tale of Gil-galad4 R 65
Erethon, Naith Lieutenant4 R 61
Company of Archers x2
4 R 73
Legolas, Dauntless Hunter5 R 124
Break The Charge x4
5 R 11
Break The Charge7 R 25
Legolas, Fearless Marksman7 R 18
Bow of the Galadhrim, Gift of Galadriel7 R 17
Asfaloth, Elven Steed7 R 28
Shadow Between x2
9 R+ 15
Gil-galad, Elven High King9 R+ 14
Galadriel, Bearer of Wisdom9 R+ 17
Knife of the Galadhrim9 R 23
Vilya, Ring of Air x6
9 R 18
Merry's Dagger x2
9 R 13
Elven Rope x2
9 R 21
Pippin's Dagger9 R 20
Nenya, Ring of Adamant x2
9 R 19
Narya, Ring of Fire x2
9 R 22
Strands of Elven Hair x5
10 R 6
Celeborn, Lord of the Galadhrim10 R 8
Cirdan, The Shipwright x3
10 R 11
Galadriel, Lady Redeemed10 R 9
Elrond, Venerable Lord x2
11 R 17
Elven Marksmanship11 R 23
Legolas' Bow13 R 18
Legolas, Of the Grey Company14 R 2
Elladan, Son of Elrond14 R 3
Elrohir, Son of ElrondDWARVEN 2 C 9
Great Works Begun There (FOIL)
1 R 22
Mithril Shaft1 R 16
Greatest Kingdom of My People1 R 15
Gimli's Helm2 R 15
What Are We Waiting For?2 R 7
Gloin, Friend to Thorin2 R 12
Realm of Dwarrowdelf2 R 1
Beneath the Mountains4 R 41
Axe of Erebor4 R 46
Ever My Heart Rises5 R 123
Baruk Khazad6 R 11
Toss Me7 R 12
Preparations7 R 5
Dark Ways8 R 3
Blood Runs Chill9 R+ 3
Durin III, Dwarven Lord9 R 11
Uri, Dwarven Lord9 R 10
Sindri, Dwarven Lord x2
9 R 5
Linnar, Dwarven Lord x5
9 R 9
Ring of Retribution x5
9 R 8
Ring of Guile x3
9 R 6
Ring of Accretion x6
9 R+ 7
Ring of Fury10 R 1
Great Day, Great Hour10 R 3
More Yet To Come11 R 10
Grimir, Dwarven Emissary13 R 5
Gimli, Lord of the Glittering CavesROHAN 4 C 273
Fight for the Villagers (FOIL)
7 C 222
Deor (FOIL)
11 RF 13
Sword Rack (FOIL)
0 P 33
Firefoot0 P 39
Eowyn, Sister-daughter of Theoden0 P 59
Erkenbrand, Master of Westfold4 R 267
Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark4 R 284
King's Mail x2
5 R 127
Rohirrim Helm x2
5 R 128
Thundering Host x3
5 R 82
I Am Here6 R 96
News From the Mark7 R 261
With Strength To Fight7 R 242
Merry's Sword7 R 232
Firefoot, Eomer's Steed7 R 250
Snowmane7 R 227
Eomer, Skilled Tactician7 R 260
Windfola x2
9 R 46
The Red Arrow x6
9 R 45
Horn of the Mark x4
10 R 72
Eowyn, Lady of Ithilien x2
11 R 147
Gamling, Defender of the Hornburg11 R 154
Riders of the Mark11 R 158
Sword Rack15 R 122
Burial MoundsSMEAGOL/GOLLUM 7 C 62
It's Mine (FOIL)
6 R 41
Master Broke His Promise x4
6 R 46
They Stole It x4
6 R 44
Safe Paths7 R 74
So Polite7 R 63
Let Her Deal With Them7 R 58
Gollum, Plotting Deceiver7 R 61
Hobbitses Are Dead9 R+ 28
Gollum, Dark as Darkness9 R+ 29
Slippery As Fishes x3
10 R 19
A Dark Shape Sprang11 R 48
Not Yet Vanquished13 R 46
Deagol, Fateful FinderWRAITH 1 U 211 Drawn To It's Power (FOIL)
7 C 198
Morgul Ruffian (FOIL)
10 R 59
Gorbag, Covetous Captain (FOIL)
11 RF 17
The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame (FOIL)
12 RF 17
Ulaire Enquea, Black Threat (FOIL)
1 R 221
The Pale Blade x2
1 R 216
Morgul Blade1 R 217
Morgul Gates1 R 228
The Twilight World x2
1 R 224
Return to Its Master1 R 206
Bent on Discovery1 R 210
Dark Whispers x3
2 R 84
Ulaire Nelya, Ringwraith in Twilight x4
2 R 85
The Witch-King, Lord of the Nazgul x4
2 R 86
Wraith-World x3
2 R 77
His Terrible Servants x2
2 R 80
Stricken Dumb2 R 75
Bill Ferny, Swarthy Sneering Fellow x2
6 R 89
Winged and Ominous6 R 88
Ulaire Toldea, Winged Sentry6 R 85
Sword of Dol Guldur7 R 177 Fell His Blade
7 R 206
Stronghold of Minas Morgul9 R 42
Ring of Asperity x4
9 R 44
Ring of Rancor x5
10 R 67
Ulaire Cantea, Thrall of The One10 R 71
Ulaire Toldea, Thrall of The One10 R 63
Morgul Vanguard x2
10 R 60
Gorbag's Sword x3
10 R 59
Gorbag, Covetous Captain11 R 214
The Pale Blade, Sword of Flame x2
11 R 216
A Shadow Rises x2
11 R 207
Dark Powers Strengthen11 R 219
Ulaire Attea, Second of the Nine RidersSAURON 2 C 90
Orc Taskmaster (FOIL)
3 C 101
Orc Warrior (FOIL)
7 C 275
Gorgoroth Pillager (FOIL)
7 C 262
Above The Battlement (FOIL)
1 R 240
Band of the Eye x2
1 R 244
Desperate Defense of the Ring x4
1 R 245
Desperate Measures x5
1 R 252
The Irresistible Shadow x2
2 R 279
Thin and Stretched x3
1 R 246
Morgul Hunter x2
1 R 243
Despair1 R 272
Orc War Band1 R 276
Seeking Its Master2 R 94
Verily I Come2 R 93
Tower Assassin3 R 91
His Cruelty and Malice x2
5 R 95
Dead Marshes x2
5 R 102
Morannon7 R 308
Rally The Host7 R 274
Gorgoroth Officer7 R 314
Stronghold of Cirith Ungol10 R 94
Orc Ravager10 R 88
Gothmog, Lieutenant of Morgul10 R 101
Troll of Cirith Gorgor x2
10 R 95
Orc Slaughterer x2
Evil Afoot (FOIL)
2 C 44
No Business of Ours (FOIL)
4 C 145
Cloud of Arrows (FOIL)
4 C 153
Grima, Son of Galmod (FOIL)
4 C 195
Uruk Seeker (FOIL)
4 R 146
Come Down (FOIL)
4 R 158
Lieutenant of Orthanc (FOIL)
1 R 129
The Misadventure of Mr. Underhill1 R 155
Uruk Spy1 R 147
Uruk Guard1 R 143
Troop of Uruk-hai1 R 132
Parry1 R 139
Savagery to Match Their Numbers1 R 128
Lurtz's Battle Cry2 R 46
Uruk Captain2 R 39
Beyond the Height of Men2 R 45
Too Much Attention x2
2 R 43
Lurtz's Sword x2
3 R 52
A Fell Voice on the Air3 R 66
Orthanc Berserker4 R 163
No Dawn For Men4 R 215
Wounded4 R 149
Driven Back4 R 200
Uruk Vanguard4 R 213
What Did You Discover?4 R 186
Uruk Follower4 R 199
Uruk Trooper4 R 179
Uruk Assault Band4 R 214
Where Has Grima Stowed It?4 R 146
Come Down4 R 173
Saruman, Black Traitor4 R 203
Uruk-hai Horde x3
4 R 176
Ugluk, Servant of Saruman x3
4 R 177
Ugluk's Sword x2
4 R 174
Saruman's Staff, Wizard's Device x2
4 R 171
Rest While You Can x2
5 R 56
Saruman, Master of Foul Folk5 R 58
Sharku, Warg-captain5 R 51
Grima, Chief Counselor5 R 125
Foul Horde x3
6 R 60
Berserk Butcher x3
9 R+ 39
Library of Orthanc9 R 40
Sack of the Shire x5
MORIA 1 C 180
Goblin Scimitar (FOIL)
1 R 167
Denizens Enraged1 R 170
Fool of a Took!2 R 57
Final Cry2 R 66
Huge Tentacle2 R 73
Watcher in the Water, Keeper of Westgate x2
2 R 74
Whip of Many Thongs x2
2 R 50
The Balrog's Sword x2
2 R 52
The Balrog, Flame of Udun x2
6 R 76
The Balrog, Terror of Flame and ShadowDUNLAND 6 C 5
Dunlending Reserve (FOIL)
4 R 30
No Retreat4 R 20
Hill Chief4 R 29
No Refuge x2
5 R 3
Leaping BlazeRAIDER 7 C 135
Desert Sneak (FOIL)
7 R 158
Rout (FOIL)
4 R 231
Eastern Emyn Muil4 R 256
Southron Troop x2
4 R 244
Regiment of Haradrim4 R 218
Desert Legion4 R 243
Rapid Fire x2
5 R 126
Army of Haradrim7 R 167
Southron Marksmen10 R 46
Quelled10 R 38
Corsair BruteORC 11 RF 10
Porter Troll (FOIL)
11 RF 11
Undisciplined (FOIL)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 07:14:36 AM by Pipeweed »