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The Lord of the Rings TCG Wiki: Threshold of Shadow (1U227)

Threshold of Shadow (1U227)

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Threshold of Shadow (1U227) Card Image

Set: The Fellowship of the Ring
Kind: Shadow
Culture: Wraith
Twilight: 1
Card Type: Event
Game Text: Skirmish: Make a Nazgul strength +2 (or +4 if you spot 5 burdens).
Lore: ”'They did not need the guidance of their horses any longer: you had become visible to them….”'
Rarity: U

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Threshold of Shadow (1U227) Wiki

General Strategy

Threshold of Shadow is the most popular Wraith pump in Fellowship Block, which isn't saying much. Given their high strengths and Bill Ferny, Nazgul are not in dire need of additional strength in the first place. To make matters worse, none of the Wraith pumps are free (save Dark Whispers, which has its own requirements) until set 11, and the extra conditions for additional strength are all very stringent. Threshold of Shadow has a higher maximum boost than Frozen by Fear, but lower maximum boost than All Veils Removed. None of the extra conditions for these boosts are likely to trigger for generic Nazgul builds, while specific Nazgul builds (such as corruption) don't need pumps. However, given bidding and the potential for the Free Peopls player to add burdens, Threshold of Shadow has potential for its +4 boost, and that boost can be handy in situations where it does appear.


This page has been moved, the new location is Threshold of Shadow (1U227).
lotr01227wiki.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/21 15:04 (external edit)

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