Well I have tested this deck out twice now and Have won both games. Of course it was the shadow that killed in both but the freeps have done very well. Frodo is very annoying since he takes no more than 1 wound a skirmish and can exert to cancel the fierce of all minions he faces
. After he takes the wound from round one then exerts to cancel all fierces he heals right back up with Pippin being replayed then The Gaffer attaching to him so he can do it all over again
. One Game I played with G-E that crashed was his Little Snufflers. He claimed to have x4 of it in hand and
DaD as well and if that was the case Frodo was dead for sure, but luckily for me I got a crash still gave him the win and we played a rematch which didn't crash and went my way. When we got into region 2 Little Snufflers wasn't much of a threat nad with me killing his Smeagol ASAP he couldn't burn him with
SFtF to quick his snuffler early enough. Anyway I like the deck and I may actually try to build this one next