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The Lord of the Rings TCG Wiki: Gimli's Helm (P) (0P34)

Gimli's Helm (P) (0P34)

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Gimli's Helm (P) (0P34) Card Image

Set: Promotional
Kind: Free People
Culture: Dwarven
Twilight: 0
Card Type: PossessionHelm
Game Text: Bearer must be Gimli. He takes no more than 1 wound during each skirmish phase. Skirmish: Discard Gimli's Helm to prevent all wounds to him.
Rarity: P

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Gimli's Helm (P) (0P34) Wiki


This card is a promotional reprint of another card, Gimli's Helm, from the Fellowship of the Ring set.

Please refer to that card for strategy and clarifications.

Extra Information

Other Prints of Gimli's Helm

Fellowship of the Ring


This page has been moved, the new location is Gimli's Helm (P) (0P34).
lotr00034wiki.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/04 16:43 (external edit)

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