Depart Silently (V)
Event • Fellowship
Exert Gandalf to remove for each Shadow card you can spot. You may not play or replace a site until the regroup phase.
"'Be careful, both of you.'"
3 V 31
Ah yes, the only
stealth card EVER. What a waste on Big D's part. So much potential....
Anyway, this looks alright. Relies on the Shadow using some support cards, but this really wrecks Moria, Corsairs,
archery, and others...and that's probably a good thing, as they can get a bit out of hand sometimes. Might be a touch TOO powerful, though...perhaps require spotting a Hobbit as well?
Fireworks (V)
Event • Fellowship
Spell. Tale.
Spot Gandalf to play a tale condition from your discard pile. Then heal a companion of that tale's culture.
"'The finest rockets ever seen: / they burst in stars of blue and green…'"
3 V 32
tale is another keyword I think should have been on several
cards. A bit too much for just
, though...I'd exert Gandalf instead.
Deep In Thought (V)
Event • Maneuver
To play, remove Gandalf from the game. At the start of the regroup phase, play Gandalf from your draw deck or discard pile to heal each companion and discard each Shadow condition borne by a companion.
"He was… trying to recall every memory of his former journey in the Mines, and considering anxiously the next course that he should take…"
3 V 30
Awfully powerful, even for
. I'd make it a fellowship event so you can use it less often AND so the Shadow player can make better use of that twilight.
Does this remove ALL Shadow conditions on ALL companions, or just all Shadow conditions borne by one specific companion? A little ambiguous....